I had a friend over and we worked out some videos on Twitch under the handle comedyshedradio.  We played some Magic the Gathering.  We threw together a couple of decks from the upcoming set, Guilds of Ravnica, and we recorded a quick review.  I have some video and audio to edit to can this week’s episode so, it’s going to be a little late.   Ideally later today, possibly early tomorrow morning.  I’m great, I’m just not a machine.  Get off my ass.  Also, I’m thinking about going to see Venom later today so I may wait until after that and make this one big episode of reviews.

     In the meantime, I have my week three fantasy football update: 

Week Three Update

     Both sides decided to commence this portion of the campaign in ambush.  Both sides lying in wait for the other to act.  With General Rogers’ fitness to command still in question, we sought aid from another.  A wizard hailing from the land Bagged-Doossche.  Having proved himself thus far whilst unaligned, our hopes lay with his magic hands.

     All at once our forces clash in the most swift carnage we have witnessed in this age.  Our victory was truly willed by gods.  Raining lightning upon our foes.  While our strongest warriors plucked the thunder from the sky and rang it about our enemy.  This contest was close and short, though, surely not simple.  We moved quickly, sharply, decision our most honed tool.  Keeping our eye single to our goal and in equal measure keeping our enemies to our back.  No sweeter rest than that following our victory here, at the end of our third week of this momentous campaign.

     Proven mighty again, our Level 20 Red Dragons triumphed over THEIMPORTANTONE 193.30-130.80.

      And that was that.  Well, I need a shower and a cheeseburger, and then I’ll be getting back to work.  Until then.

Tim FloodComment
Things Are Happening

     Get ready, folks!  A new episode coming out tomorrow!  I apologize in advance for the audio.  We know what happened and how to fix it.  It shouldn’t be a problem anymore.  And then, we’re recording Friday night.  Feel free to voicemail, text, Twitter, or whatever.  We may even do some periscoping before hand.  I just got my new iOgrapher case for my iPhone 6s+ and I’m excited to use it.   Feel free to use this link: and check out what iOgrapher has to offer.

     This Sunday, September 30th is International Podcast Day.  We recorded some interviews at FanX so, if nothing else, I’ll post the audio of those interviews as an extra episode of the podcast.  I’m still trying to figure out an effective process for video episodes.  The video of those interviews will be available to you guys somehow.  We’re also doing another booster draft and review for the upcoming expansion set; Guilds of Ravnica, for Magic the Gathering from Wizards of the Coast.  The new set is available October 5th.  Keep an eye on our social media this Sunday.  We may be broadcasting our booster draft through twitch or some other means.

     And because I still haven’t figured out where exactly I’m going to put these, here’s my next fantasy football update. 

Week Two Update

       The second week of the campaign did not go so well as the first.  The Red Dragon’s defense waned early in the week putting our Red Dragons at a grave disadvantage while many of our warriors fell to injury.  Even our great General Rogers once had his leg taken from under him.  As he fell, questions rose as to his capacity to act in the coming weeks. 

      The enemy pressed an early advantage against our Dragons.  With each skirmish they marched further and further.  Each step seemingly caked with blood as they trod across our land.  So fades the memory of our previous victory as we find ourselves choked by the ease with which we attained it.  The ease that our current foe seems to have found in us.  The sun rises on the final day.  Our last warrior facing impossible odds fights on with the confidence of a man who could win.  Ultimately, his great effort in vain, the Red Dragons fall.

      The Level 20 Red Dragons lost to the team You Got Bungled 118.53-145.30.

     See you guys next time.  Have fun! 

Tim FloodComment

     Now that I have your attention tomorrow's episode will be a few hours late.  Let’s say because I’m waiting for some information to firm up and not because I need to try and figure out how to get back to sleep after fading in and out of consciousness all day.  I have early shifts for awhile so, my scheduling with everything else is a little wonky.

     Also, fantasy football is back.  I’ll be regaling   you all with my tales from the fantasy battlefield.  Here’s week one:

Fantasy Update Wk. 01

     The Great Mage sent forth an army of Red Dragons against the bards of Antone IV.  Antone IV gained a lead early.  After the first day the enemies of the Mage’s Dragons were sufficiently lulled going into the battles of sun’s day.  Throughout the morn the two sides seemed equally matched.

     In the latter hours of the day moving forward into night, the tables had turned.  One by one Antone IV’s bards fell.  Scattered about the earth in flames and bile.  Ultimately the conflict boiled down to two warriors.  Not knowing their contest was already decided, they battled on. 

     My Level 20 Red Dragons beat Antonio & the Actors 203.07-149.97

     Week two coming as soon as I get off my lazy ass and write it.  Maybe tomorrow, we’ll see what happens.  See ya later.

Tim FloodComment
It’s That Time Again

     I should have done this earlier while I’ve been sitting on my ass watching TV.  I’m about to can tomorrow’s episode and then take a nap before work in the morning. 

     Keep an eye out on the website and twitter.  I’m going to be looking for some help from writers soon.  I’m working out some patreon stuff and I’m going to want some help to make sure it’s worth while for you.  I’ll have some sort of announcement by the end of the month.


Tim FloodComment
A Small Taste

     Here’s the plan.  While at FanX we streamed some interviews with random convention goers on the event floor of the Salt Palace, hosted by the one and only Dustin Hagen.  I realized too late the audio crapped out in the first video on periscope but it got resolved for the second stream.  Coming up soon, September 30th, is International Podcast Day.  Hooray!  I decided that I’m going to do the same thing I did last year and release a special episode from FanX.  Ideally it’ll be a video episode of our celebrity interviews.  I still need to work out the technical problems with that.  Otherwise, it’ll just be an audio episode and then I’ll post the video on here someplace.  

     Now, while I am a masochistic asshole...most of the time, I have my moments.  I figured I wouldn’t tell you guys about all this without giving you a little treat to tide yourself until the end of the month.  Here’s Dustin with our new friend, Randall the Candle, enjoy....

Tim FloodComment