Well, FanX is done again. Back to the monotony of my regular existence. Except that football is starting again and I’m going commence trouncing my co-workers upon the battlefield, imaginary, in FANTASY FOOTBALL!!! I’ll probably be writing about that more, although, I will be writing all that more like a game of D&D. Because it doesn’t matter what some former high school jock tells you, fantasy football is EXACTLY like Dungeons & Dragons, it doesn’t matter that it involves “real people” that you never have and all likelihood never will meet in person.
Anyway, being the last day of FanX we walked the event floor for awhile with Dustin interviewing unsuspecting convention goers and asked them the hardest hitting of questions...about gravy. That should have appeared on periscope with the tags #FanX18 and #ComedyShedRadio. And we made a new friend who joined our floor adventure. That video will be posted here as soon as I figure out to get it from my camera to this thing.
I finally got my schedule for tomorrow so, I’ll be able to start getting this stuff done whilst cutting next week’s episode and fixing the audio for future episodes. And I’m working with some friends to put together some ongoing bonus material so, stay tuned.
And may the force be with you, always.