On The Road Again…So To Speak

Well, Here I am flying across the country now.  All by myself just like a big boy!  I did it.  I’m heading to Indianapolis for the comic convention.  As you may know from listening to our podcast, Redstone Diaries, I go to Salt Lake FanX every year since the beginning.  If you’re not familiar with our podcast, you got the name, GO LISTEN NOW!!!  ALL OF IT!!!  I could use the downloads.  And who knows, maybe I’ll start making it out to the other conventions more regularly.  I believe this Indiana Comic Convention is organized by Dan Farr Productions.  The company that organizes the Salt Lake FanX.  I don’t have confirmation of this but I’ll let you know if I see Dan Farr running around.  I can say for sure that when you scroll to the bottom of the web page saltlakecomicconvention.com you’ll see the buttons that link to Atlanta Comic Convention, Indiana Comic Convention, and Tampa Bay Comic Convention.  I’m less interested in anything happening in Florida, for obvious reasons, but Atlanta might be a fun show too.  We’ll see how things shake out for me over the next few months.  More on that in a minute.  I’m excited to experience a somewhat different convention.  I imagine it’ll be configured similarly to FanX but I’ll be in a different state.  A different state, mind you, I never thought I would visit.  It’s nothing personal, I just thought the middle had nothing to offer.  And being stuck in Utah for so many years, well, there just wasn’t much evidence to the contrary.  Of course I say this all in good fun.  Except for the things about Utah, Utah knows what it did.  Who knows, maybe I won’t hate Indiana.  I’ll let you know in a few days.  I’m not sure yet if I’ll be doing my daily recaps.  I may just discuss the con in summation.  I was going to going to prepping some episodes to post but then I realized that I was planning to leave home one of the devices that I recorded our material.  Turns out that trying to do this shit is far less convenient when you’re not walking down the street to get to the convention.  This’ll be fun in any case.  I figured out something I’m going to get signed by Katee Sackhoff.  I’ll post photos when I get back to SLC but it will ultimately be framed.  Just not for a little while.

     The case with that being that I will indeed be moving back to LA by the end of this month.  When I get back after the con on Monday I’ll have two weeks to finish packing and get things going.  It looks like I’ve got an apartment, I’ll be taking care of the paper work for that this weekend and I have another job interview scheduled for this afternoon.  Provided I can figure out the time difference and not blow it first thing.  I’m not used to being this far east let alone inland.  It’s all somewhat disorienting.  But more than that, I’ve been awake for more or less thirty hours and it would seem that I’m somewhat less apt to sleep when at thirty-thousand feet.

Tim FloodComment
Talking About Indiana Comic Convention

Sorry again.  I’ve fallen short with everything again.  This last week I’ve been dealing with some emotional shit.  I’m getting through but I haven’t done any of the shit I’m supposed to be doing right now.  But I’m getting off my ass today do things.  I think I’ve pretty well decided to go to Indiana Comic Convention next week.  I’ve been looking into the pricing for travel and lodging and it’ll be pricey but that is mostly because I’m because doing all this the week before.  I really am thinking that by tomorrow I will have paid to do all this.  I did look at the programming and schedule on the app for the show.  It’s a solid lineup.  The celebrity guest list has a lot of interesting names on it.  A lot of people I’m interested to see like; Tony Danza I didn’t get a chance to see him when he was in Salt Lake for FanX a few years ago, Andy Serkis I’ve always appreciated the work he’s done moving forward motion capture which has become an extraordinarily prolific technology in all sorts of media now, a bunch of former Power Rangers, Star Trek alumni, I didn’t get to meet Mitch Pileggi when he was over here the con awhile back, Katy Sagal of whom I’ve been a fan since Married…with Children, Sonequa Martin-Green from The Walking Dead and Star Trek Discovery I haven’t watched that show yet but I loved Sasha, and of course, I’m ever a fan of Voice Actors across the board.

     One of the bigger things I’m excited for in this convention is not only will Katee Sackhoff be there but she’s also doing a live recording for her podcast and you all know how I feel about podcasts and podcasting.  I’ve been catching up on The Katee Sackhoff Show and I’m current again after sometime of falling behind on all the podcasts I follow.  That’s two I caught up on now, only a three- or four-hundred more to go.  My point is, she does a great podcast and I enjoy directing attention to great podcasts…in lieu of getting off my ass and doing my own.  If you’re interested is going to the live recording is a separate ticket from your convention admission which means it is a separate admission price point.  You can download the Indiana Comic Convention app in whatever app store, in the schedule for Saturday it’s listed at seven p.m., and in the information screen for that event there is a link for you to buy your ticket to The Katee Sackhoff Show recording.

     Yeah, I’m about to pull the trigger on this myself.  I’m getting pretty excited for this show after writing all this.  It’s looking like a it’ll be a fun show and I won’t have to deal with utah drivers.

Tim FloodComment
I Wasn’t Planning This to be a Tribute

Some bad news yesterday, I mean aside from the ongoing “governmental” bullshit.  The news broke that Michelle Trachtenberg died yesterday.  She’s a talented performer who started acting as a child and was a good actor compared with adults.  From what I saw, as a child myself and not in-the-know, she always seemed to hold her own performing with adults on screen as a child actor.  If I recall correctly, Harriet the Spy was her first movie or at least her first starring role in a movie.  She was in at least one or two Nickelodeon shows before that and then she worked on a number of shows and movies right up until just a couple years ago.  In particular she made Buffy the Vampire Slayer interesting to me again.  I always had a huge crush on her.  She’s another one of those performers that you never hear about being a jackass.  It seems to me that everyone enjoyed working with her and just being around her.  When someone so genuine and loved dies it’s sad enough and when they’re so young, as I’m told thirty-nine to be, the tragedy compounds.  She was always someone I wanted to meet but reading the things that people are writing about their experiences with her, I know I truly missed out.  I didn’t think this was going to be any kind of tribute but I don’t really want to write anything else here.  I’m thinking I’m just gonna call it and try to figure out how to funny on something else.

Tim FloodComment
This Has Been a Week

This has been a week.  I finally started packing in the studio.  I’m still nowhere near packed but I’m getting closer.  I’ve pretty much worked out the biggest thing in there, now I need to deal with the second biggest thing in that room, the production desk.  Two monitors, mac mini, audio board, video switcher, about a quarter mile of cables and adapters, and then the two or three pieces of furniture holding all that.  I think I may need to invest in one of those transport pods to get the most of this done sooner and then figure out the rest later.  And yeah, I thought it would be cooler to talk about a transport pod to move my shit too but here we are.  The mundanity of transport pods is exceeded only by the monetary cost to use it.  ”What a bleak and horrible future we live in!!!”

     I’ve been watching The Magicians the last few days.  A solid show, if you’re not familiar.  Last night I got to the part of the series where Quentin dies…or does he…just watch it so I don’t have to talk around the spoilers…the whole series is on Tubi now…I’ll wait…done now?  Good.  Yeah, he dies.  One of those things I relate to and NO, not because we’re both nerdy, useless, white guys.  Because of the lifetime of mental illness and suicidal ideation that tends to come with all that.  Watching it this time hit me differently than usual.  And when I say ‘differently’, I mean harder.  Turns out I have about four years more baggage than I had the last time.  And while this is not actually my therapy session, I’m sure I’ll be sharing more than I should at some point.

     A more pressing matter.  I haven’t yet locked down a new apartment aside from being miles away from done packing.  I’m thinking I may need another month to work out all the details for moving.  That could line up things better for one option of a place to live but I don’t want to put off moving any longer than I already have.  I can’t wait to get out of here but of course there is benefit to leveling ones’ shot.  In any case I need to get off my ass and start working on my projects again.  I haven’t written anything more than these few posts for a couple weeks again.  I have been working on some resources for our podcast games instead of getting done anything I need to.  Also, it turns out that some new evidence has been found and points to, allegedly, a more clear suspect in the Ripper murders, which of course in mind shoots down the idea for my one project that I barely started and was getting to, ya know, soon.  Bah!  I’m sure I’ll still finish it.  I’m just pissed that I didn’t get to solve the case like I planned.  Alright, I may take a nap now and start again packing later.

Tim FloodComment
I Was Sick, Everything is Fine

I was a bit “under the weather” the other day.  To be clear, I had a minor migraine and some tummy trouble.  Checking notes, yes, clinical terminology, tummy trouble.  That’s why I didn’t post on Tuesday.  Aside from that I’m having some trouble with things.  I’ve lost pretty much all the momentum I was building in practicing productive routine.  I am exercising with Fitbod five days a week, and I’ve only missed a few days out of the last forty-five practicing on Duolingo.  I have not, however, gone out to open mics regularly.  I haven’t been writing everyday like I planned.  I’m not even close to done packing.  This whole week so far my sleeping has been fucked out right.  I could use some advice to this point of structuring and maintaining the good habits I started around the end of December.  Feel free to offer any tips you may have.  There are a few ways to get in touch.  The contact page on this site, instagram, bluesky, just look around I’m there somewhere.

     I did halfassedly start kind of cleaning the other day.  Did you guys know that Mr. Clean, the corporation owning that brand and not the actual ‘Mr. Clean’, if ever there was one, makes a new Magic Eraser that uses a “handy grip”?  I got a “starter kit”, they say starter kit and it’s just a foam handle and one Magic Eraser.  It’s less a kit and more of a sample.  That said, I’ve always been of the mind that Magic Erasers get super-fucking-gross very fast and that after using one for two minutes I don’t want to touch it anymore.  Not unlike many women on a date with me.  I get it, I tend to sweat a lot.  But that’s not the point.  This product should’ve been and in all likelihood was created about two minutes after the Magic Eraser.  I will admit that finding this product the other day I did buy it, and about three or four days later I finally used it and now my shower is marginally less disgusting.  At this rate, I’ll moved out by February 27, 2057.  Also, the Magic Eraser Grip works well, the erasers stick to the face of it with some pseudo-velcro thing, it holds really well considering how deep was the grime in my shower.  The thing I’m waiting for is the Clorox toilet bowl flame thrower.  I don’t see how anything less can clean that toilet now.

     I have been putting some work into my player aids, I guess we can call them, for the games I run primarily for the podcast.  I have some material for that by the way, and I’m thinking I’ll actually sit down and edit now.  I made a couple versions already of these aids already but then I noticed, of course after I finished them, but there issues with text size, and the clarity of scanning some of the original texts resulted in numerous spelling errors and other structural issues.  I went through everything and corrected all that and now I’m remaking all the charts with larger images so that if I ever get to the point of printing them, they’ll be readable.  I’ve replaced a handful of those power charts now but there’s still a bit of work I need to do.  And then I finally looked into it and the information I’ve found is that the Spider-verse Expansion for the Marvel Multiverse RPG is supposed to be released on March 18, 2025.  I can’t wait for this one!  I looked at the entry for it on Barnes & Noble and among the pages previewed there are character sheets for The Lizard, who was always one of my top ten Spider-man villains, and a character sheet for Spider-punk.

     By the time this posts, I would like to think that I actually got up and started doing things I need to do right now.  But I anticipate that I in fact, got up and walked back into my bedroom and started watching TV again.  God damn it I am lazy shit pig.  I WILL start muling out some of the mountains of trash throughout my apartment and rethink some things in my life.  Alright, you all have fun, I’ll write again for next Tuesday and ideally by then I will have gotten my shit together and accomplished something.  Until then, I guess, we’ll see.

Tim FloodComment