Well, here it is again. Christmas. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been a fan. About twenty-eight years. Yeah, I have baggage with Christmas. I’ve worked through it for the most part and then I worked in retail for the last twenty-five years. People have often given me shit for hating Christmas. As though I’m the child clinging to fairy tales. The thing is that Christmas tends to be fun when you’re a kid, and then when you kids. I’m in neither circumstance, sooo, Christmas really hasn’t been fun for me a very long time. Long story short, I haven’t much reason to enjoy Christmas so I don’t.
Moving on. I’ve been watching Skeleton Crew on Disney+. If you haven’t watched it yet, you’re missing out. I’m not like many 80’s kids, I don’t give two shits about The Goonies but I did always fantasize about adventuring through ancient ruins and aboard pirate ships and such. And with this all being Star Wars in the first place, it’s very much in the pocket for me. This show is a lot of fun. They’re doing a great job of dissociating the characters from the established universe at large, giving the viewer a more closely representing the audience. All-in-all an interesting take on pirate adventure stories.
I think this’ll be a short one this week. I had my last day at my job this week and I’m getting used to not having a job while not shuddered in perpetual dread over not having any money to get by. My last paycheck was actually substantial. The series of dead-end no-paying jobs I had before didn’t pay so well. My point is, I’m not in a terrible situation currently and within a month and a half I’ll be back home in LA. Eating at In-N-Out on Van Nuys, driving Mulholland to look over the valley and clear my head, and painstakingly walking rooms at many open mics. Home.