This week has been a mite wonky. Full transparency, I’m falling into old habits. I am aware and conscious of this and am actively working to fix that. I’ve been taking care of a few things while I have some money. And now I’m typing with some gloves on. They’re pretty thick so, I’m impressed I’ve typed so well just now. Ok, now back to work. I don’t actually have anything right now. This may be a short post. By the way, if anyone has a topic they’d like to read here just feel free to reach out with the contact page. Otherwise, more likely than not, I’ll just be writing about whatever old TV I’m watching.
That said, I hadn’t watched The League in quite awhile so, that’s what I’ve been watching the last couple days. Just starting season four right now. One of the funniest shows not about football. There are times I wonder if I were ever to have a child whether I name them Chalupa Batman. I’m not saying I want to name a child Chalupa Batman but I would like to always have the option.
In any case, I need to wrap this soon so I can make the deadline to post this on Thursday and right now I have about twenty minutes. I’ll be better prepared for Tuesday.