A Food Review and Other Stuff

Yesterday I was having a little tummy trouble.  I decided to order some food seeing as I had no interest in getting up out of bed.  My tummy feeling better enough to try something new, I ordered something from Noodles & Company.  It was pretty good.  I ordered some Chipotle Chicken Cavatappi, Cheesy Garlic Bread, and a Rice Crispy Treat.  The pasta was a solid dish.  It has some good spice and the noodles were prepared perfectly.  It’s pretty hard to screw up cheese, garlic, and bread, that said, the Cheesy Garlic Bread is really yummy.  I have to say, though, THE best part was the Rice Crispy Treat!!!  First, that thing was the size of my hand.  It was almost a team lift.  I could barely hoist it to my mouth.  Again, fucking huge was this Rice Crispy Treat.  Then, it was fresh.  It must’ve been made that afternoon.  It was so soft and chewy I had to check my kitchen and make and make sure they didn’t sneak in and use my oven to make it here.  Long story, short, I think I’ll order from Noodles & Company again in the future.

     In other news, I mean news in so much that sometimes things happen here.  I think I just finished an entire tube of toothpaste.  Myself, beginning to end.  I think this is a first.  My entire life there were other people, or the tube was thrown away when it was almost gone, or I get bored and buy a different toothpaste only to get home and find that I still have half a tube.  Maybe I’ve managed to finish a tube before now but I don’t recall.  I get this may not seem like a big success, or a casual success, or even a real one but I don’t have anything else right now.  I’m a single middle-aged man what’s dying alone and only just now moving back to a real city when I’m too old and decrepit for worthwhile women to be attracted to me.  And yes, that sentence would sound less run-on and more comically rambling if you heard me read it out loud.  

     I’ve been thinking about work things the last couple days.  I was reminded earlier that food trucks are a thing.  What then would be an interesting food truck?  What is something that hasn’t been done in a food truck?  I was thinking that a truck making bag lunches would be fun.  I wouldn’t necessarily need to be cooking anything.  At first anyway.  Also, I could swing that one with a Vanagon and that would be a good excuse for me to buy a Vanagon.  Alright, I need a nap and some other things right now.  Until next time.

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