#FanX24 is Starting TODAY!!!

It’s finally time for FanX again!  I’ve been waiting most impatiently for this week since, well, last September.  Unfortunately, though, looks like Dick Van Dyke isn’t making it up here for the convention this time.  I haven’t been able to find anything from FanX announcing that he cancelled but I picked up an article in the New York Post about it.  I’ve been a huge fan of his since before I can remember.  And I mean anything.  My appreciation of Dick Van Dyke predates my sentient cognizance.  It turns out that his sitcom, The Dick Van Dyke Show, particularly influenced my life immensely especially in my youngest years.  I would watch this show everyday while I was busy not sleeping.  Apart from initiating my overwhelming crush on Mary Tyler Moore this show demonstrated the professional and practical application of writing comedy.  Being drawn to stand up as early as age four, and possibly younger, The Dick Van Dyke Show demonstrated the fun and roundabout professionalism of a writers’ room.  An environment and lifestyle I’ve been looking to incorporate in my life ever since.  Sure, it hasn’t worked out well so far but hey, eventually I’ll get to die.  So, if I don’t get to thank him in person for this, at least I’ve got it down here.  

     And don’t forget that if you didn’t make the ‘mail out’ deadline for your passes, pre-registration is on Wednesday from 10a-6p and registration at the event opens at 11a on Thursday and 8a on Friday and Saturday.  See you at the show!

     We’re still having some trouble moving forward with the podcast right now.  I’m getting back into the habit of recording by myself to keep the curtain up.  My plan is post an episode today.  I do have one episode to post but I’m also thinking I should wait until I have more character creation episodes and I’ll be getting at least one more next week.  I’m just about to the point of abducting my friends and chaining them to the table.  Good news is that I won’t need much length for the chains and I’m pretty sure I can use just one chain and get them all at once…not that I’ve given it much thought.

     I’m looking to challenge myself with the character creation in this new game, Marvel Multiverse Roleplaying Game.  If anyone has recommendations of characters from anything other than Marvel Comics; The Distinguished Competition, TV shows, movies, whatever.  Just e-mail me the name of the character and I’ll work it out to make a character sheet for them.  I’ve always had my go-to in The X-Files and Stargate franchises for inspiration but I’m could always use other sources for interesting analogues for these games.  

     It’s time for me to start getting ready for the week.  I can’t wait to get to the convention, see you all there!

Tim FloodComment
Here’s What I’ve Been Doing

I know, I’m disappointed in me too.  I’m making a schedule for get done everything.  This week for example, we’re going to start recording new episodes of Redstone Diaries.  For the next little while we’re going to play the new Marvel Multiverse Role Playing Game.  I’ve been following their development of this game for the last couple years and I’m excited to see how it really plays.  We’re going to have regular episodes again!  

I’ve been working on some writing projects lately and I haven’t made this a priority like I should so, I’m going to start updating this weekly again.  I’m not sure what all I’m going to write about here each week but we’ll see what happens.

     I made a little more progress on the book I’m writing.  I have a chapter two this I think I really like.  The idea is that it’s a modern noir.  I haven’t studied the noir genre as much as I’d like to, or even at all.  The most exposure I’ve had to the style is the old Dragnet series.  Jack Webb, Harry Morgan, old timey L.A.  Good stuff.  The thought of it makes me homesick.  Anywise, it’s been fun actually writing these things instead of just hallucinating everything and doing nothing with it.  More importantly, I’ve figured out the throughline for my first stand-up hour.  I’ve been arranging my material and working out the script for it.  I just need to get off my ass and get back out to open mics for some fine tuning and then I have plans for recording it.  I’m sure everything will work out fine…

     I’ve been trying to figure out how to use Discord better and was thinking about starting a server for our Comedy Shed Radio stuff.  I’m just not sure what all to do with that.  I’m open to any suggestions to that point.  I’m thinking there would channels for our podcasts, a channel for basic communication, but what else is fun to do on Discord?  Like most modern technologies, I use it mostly for porn so, I’m not real clear on practical applications for it.  

     The only other thing to touch base with is FanX.  I finally looked at the guest list recently and SWEET DAMN, THAT’S A LINEUP!  Among others, the current cast of Rick and Morty will be here, of course many of the regular voice actors that we always love seeing at the con, and holy shit, they got Susan Sarandon!!!  Yeah, I wouldn’t have expected her to do conventions but here we are.  Sooo, yeah, I’m pretty well excited for this show.  Not much else to say on that right now but rest assured, I don’t shut up about this shit and there will be more.

Tim FloodComment
Just Checking In

OK, there are a few things.  First, last week was pretty good.  I made it out to a couple comedy shows that were outright fantastic!  Anna Akana is touring her show, It Gets Darker, which was particularly enjoyable for me.  As you know, my existence hasn’t exactly been “fun” as it were.  So, I relate very well to much of her material.  Take the time to see her show!  It’s a good choice and you owe it to yourself.  Then I saw Chris Hardwick.  Another solid performance.  Sharing his experience being married and a new father.  With a handful of musical numbers the show is tight and entertaining from start to finish.  I’ve really missed going out to shows, it’s been too long and this last week was inspiring and motivating for me to get off my ass and seriously get back into things.  Starting with this post.  I sat down and outlined the projects I’m working on.  I’m going to start having some fun with these again.

     Redstone Diaries is going to start up again this week.  Yeah, it’s pretty much just going to be me babbling into the void until I straighten out the player situation and we get back into the game.  I’m writing a new podcast, I have a bunch of unopened Loot Crates I’m going to flaunt in videos that will be up on Twitch, or Youtube, or whatever, I don’t know yet.  I’m still working out our live-streaming stuff.  We’ll get there.  One thing I’m really excited about, I’ve just about perfected my technique and processes with my resin work.  I can make a full set of dice in about a day now and that includes dice for the new Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game.  Which is also a game we’ll be playing for the podcast.  I’ll be posting photos of the resin pieces I’ve made so far on here when I work out the best way to go about that.  In the meantime, you can find those photos on my instagram, I think you can find it either under Tim Flood or Scruffy.  And I’m always taking commissions.  There are plenty of color options for dice and I’m learning how to sculpt so I can do more by way of custom pieces.  Just send your commissions to me at timflood@comedyshedradio.com and we’ll see what I can do.  

     That’s all I have for now.  I need a nap, and then that pesky day job, after that I’ll be recording a podcast and then starting on dice.  I have a new art piece I’ve been planning for a friend’s restaurant.  I can’t wait until I finish it, I’m trying something new with this one and I’m excited to see how it turns out.  Until next time.

Tim FloodComment
New Things Happening

So, I’ve been working with resin for a little while now. It’s a medium that is far more fun than it should be. I’m developing some interesting techniques and getting fantastic results. Right now I’m calling them Tim Pyramids, there’s something phonetic in that but I don’t know what it’s called. The important thing is that they’re pretty cool.

I’m using primarily epoxy resin and a little bit the UV resin for some applications. I’m also incorporating PLA plastic to make images that will be filled with resin to create a somewhat stained glass look. I’ve tried that a couple times and it turned out well. I just need to work with it more to build on the technique. And then when I figure out how to competently sculpt clay figures, I’ll be mass producing minis of our characters from our podcast Redstone Diaries. Which will come back as soon as I get some players again. In the meantime, I’m going to start building models on our Twitch channel. I don’t remember that info right now, you’ll hear about it.

Back to arts and crafts. I don’t have any finished pieces for sale right now but I am always taking commissions. Prices and timeframe for completion and shipping will be estimated in response to any interested requests. Feel free to start that conversation through the contact page here on the website or e-mail me directly at timflood@comedyshedradio.com. To start, I do Tim Pyramids in two sizes; small and large. Large pyramids do take considerably longer to make since I have just the one mold right now. I have a dozen colors of glow-in-the-dark pigments, around a dozen or so thermochromatic pigments, a few sparkly mica powders, and the liquid dyes to mix pretty much any color in opaque pigments. That said, I’m open to any suggestions you may have.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please give me something to do, I can feel my own thoughts creeping back in…

Tim FloodComment
Day One #FanX2023

Finally!  It’s FanX again!  It feels good spending time around the Salt Palace again.  I missed the smell of churros in the air, the cartoon characters running around, and of course the panels of creative professionals sharing their experience and inspiring at least me.

     In particular, I met a professional Dungeon Master, Dax Levine.  You should check it his services and dice available through his website, dungeonmasterdirect.com.  Surely by now you’ve accidentally found the work of Amy Chu but you should be making a more concerted effort to read and watch anything or everything she has written for.  You should also take a look at geekknights.com.  They’re a production team based here in utah.  They play Dungeons & Dragons and then produce videos based on their games.  And at 5 o’clock PM/MDT on Saturday September 23 they’re premiering the trailer for their upcoming streaming series.  Talking with a members of their group earlier, they seem OK.  They’re looking support going forward especially money.  Go to their website and there’s a number of ways to contribute.

     I also started a new game.  I made a small decorative pyramid with resin.  The idea is to move it from place to place and see where it goes.  I poorly wrote on its base #whereisitpyramid.  My first post about it includes the rules.  I placed it in a window of the Salt Palace to kick off this little game.  Find it and let’s see where it goes.

     I’m heading into day two as I write this.  More interesting panels, I noticed some D&D and Magic: the Gathering games on the schedule, and plenty more.  I always tell everyone that they should go, there’re plenty of activities and something for quite literally everybody.  Have fun and EXCELSIOR!

Tim FloodComment