I know, I’m disappointed in me too. I’m making a schedule for get done everything. This week for example, we’re going to start recording new episodes of Redstone Diaries. For the next little while we’re going to play the new Marvel Multiverse Role Playing Game. I’ve been following their development of this game for the last couple years and I’m excited to see how it really plays. We’re going to have regular episodes again!
I’ve been working on some writing projects lately and I haven’t made this a priority like I should so, I’m going to start updating this weekly again. I’m not sure what all I’m going to write about here each week but we’ll see what happens.
I made a little more progress on the book I’m writing. I have a chapter two this I think I really like. The idea is that it’s a modern noir. I haven’t studied the noir genre as much as I’d like to, or even at all. The most exposure I’ve had to the style is the old Dragnet series. Jack Webb, Harry Morgan, old timey L.A. Good stuff. The thought of it makes me homesick. Anywise, it’s been fun actually writing these things instead of just hallucinating everything and doing nothing with it. More importantly, I’ve figured out the throughline for my first stand-up hour. I’ve been arranging my material and working out the script for it. I just need to get off my ass and get back out to open mics for some fine tuning and then I have plans for recording it. I’m sure everything will work out fine…
I’ve been trying to figure out how to use Discord better and was thinking about starting a server for our Comedy Shed Radio stuff. I’m just not sure what all to do with that. I’m open to any suggestions to that point. I’m thinking there would channels for our podcasts, a channel for basic communication, but what else is fun to do on Discord? Like most modern technologies, I use it mostly for porn so, I’m not real clear on practical applications for it.
The only other thing to touch base with is FanX. I finally looked at the guest list recently and SWEET DAMN, THAT’S A LINEUP! Among others, the current cast of Rick and Morty will be here, of course many of the regular voice actors that we always love seeing at the con, and holy shit, they got Susan Sarandon!!! Yeah, I wouldn’t have expected her to do conventions but here we are. Sooo, yeah, I’m pretty well excited for this show. Not much else to say on that right now but rest assured, I don’t shut up about this shit and there will be more.