Just Checking In

OK, there are a few things.  First, last week was pretty good.  I made it out to a couple comedy shows that were outright fantastic!  Anna Akana is touring her show, It Gets Darker, which was particularly enjoyable for me.  As you know, my existence hasn’t exactly been “fun” as it were.  So, I relate very well to much of her material.  Take the time to see her show!  It’s a good choice and you owe it to yourself.  Then I saw Chris Hardwick.  Another solid performance.  Sharing his experience being married and a new father.  With a handful of musical numbers the show is tight and entertaining from start to finish.  I’ve really missed going out to shows, it’s been too long and this last week was inspiring and motivating for me to get off my ass and seriously get back into things.  Starting with this post.  I sat down and outlined the projects I’m working on.  I’m going to start having some fun with these again.

     Redstone Diaries is going to start up again this week.  Yeah, it’s pretty much just going to be me babbling into the void until I straighten out the player situation and we get back into the game.  I’m writing a new podcast, I have a bunch of unopened Loot Crates I’m going to flaunt in videos that will be up on Twitch, or Youtube, or whatever, I don’t know yet.  I’m still working out our live-streaming stuff.  We’ll get there.  One thing I’m really excited about, I’ve just about perfected my technique and processes with my resin work.  I can make a full set of dice in about a day now and that includes dice for the new Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game.  Which is also a game we’ll be playing for the podcast.  I’ll be posting photos of the resin pieces I’ve made so far on here when I work out the best way to go about that.  In the meantime, you can find those photos on my instagram, I think you can find it either under Tim Flood or Scruffy.  And I’m always taking commissions.  There are plenty of color options for dice and I’m learning how to sculpt so I can do more by way of custom pieces.  Just send your commissions to me at timflood@comedyshedradio.com and we’ll see what I can do.  

     That’s all I have for now.  I need a nap, and then that pesky day job, after that I’ll be recording a podcast and then starting on dice.  I have a new art piece I’ve been planning for a friend’s restaurant.  I can’t wait until I finish it, I’m trying something new with this one and I’m excited to see how it turns out.  Until next time.

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