Redstone Diaries Releases

So, I’ve noticed the last couple weeks that more news I want to talk about gets published throughout Thursdays. Usually after the new episode of Redstone Diaries would be released. I’m thinking now that I’m going to start releasing regularly on Friday evenings instead of Thursday mornings. And yes, this also greatly accommodates my laziness, I noticed that too.

I’ll write more later. I have to get back to work. And speaking of which, my work schedule may be changing considerably soon. And don’t forget that FanX is almost upon us. Go! Go to FanX!!!

Tim Flood
The Art of Racing in the Rain Review

The Art of Racing in the Rain is enjoyable. The film is narrated from the perspective of a dog. At first, I didn’t think much of it. That is to say I wasn’t keen on the idea of it. It didn’t take long for me to get over that hang up. There were obvious jokes based on canine behavior and those jokes were made here. And the on the other hand, there are genuinely sincere moments that are handled with a dignity that one may not expect. I’ve always loved words and collected maxims or words of wisdom, and this film has a number of lines that resonate with many of my experiences. Even coming from a dog, these are good things to hear. A perspective on life experience that many may not consider.

The narrative is that of a man’s life. This man’s experience with family, pursuing and living his dream, and then some very unpleasant interactions with his in-laws. Again, this narrative is from the perspective and understanding of a dog. That has the intrinsic value of making some moments more comical and others more disheartening. All said, there’s a delicate balance struck that works well in the telling of this story. On that note they employed a running gag that could have easily gone too far but I think they used it just right.

The Art of Racing in the Rain is adapted from the novel of the same name from author and film producer Garth Stein, and was a New York Times best seller for 156 weeks. I like this movie more than I anticipated. My eyes watered but I managed to not weep openly in public so, that in and of itself is a win for Tim. Go watch this film, you’ll be a better person for it...probably.

Tim Flood
A Day Late…Per Usual

I’m posting this week’s episode on Friday this week. I may have a movie review to tack on to this one. There is a potential scheduling conflict but I’m to see what I can work out to get into the screening. Although, if I don’t manage that I do have some other things to review. Like the season finale of Archer 1999. The Netflix original series, Another Life, starring Kate Sakhoff. And eating one entire case of pudding Snack Packs.

Yeah, it’s been that kind of week. Not bad per se, but ‘meh’? Perhaps ‘blah’ even. We made some good progress playing D&D on Sunday. Uk’as Twirleyes performed exceptionally. Starting out as a Tabaxi rogue and aspiring assassin, he entered Waterdeep with +8 stealth at level one. He has grown into a formidible fighter. And is learning new techniques, bending the very shadows to his whim. Otherwise, work has been slow lately.

How was your week? Anyone else playing games and do something adequate lately? Use the contact page and share your adventures here. It’ll be fun! Or just keep lurking there listening to our fun. It’s all the same to me.

Tim Flood
Mistakes Abound

We have a vigilant listener and/or reader hereabouts who caught a typo for me. I haven't found the error they mentioned but while looking for that one I found a few other fuck-ups on my part. Seems I couldn't contact them directly so, thanks for catching that mistake. I really do appreciate it. And please write in again and tell me where it is.

Get ready to experience this week’s episode of Redstone Diaries which will be available starting tomorrow. See ya then!

Tim Flood
Core 2020 Review

I have an episode where a couple friends and I review the new set from Magic: the Gathering, Core 2020. There have been a few hiccups in editing as result of a few hiccups in recording. We were using some new apps and things didn't quite sync up properly. I'm working it out but the situation is still not ideal. The audio is bit wonky but it works. I should be done this evening. Stay tuned.

Tim Flood