Some Stuff Going On

     FanX had its press conference today.  They broadcast it on Facebook live instead of hosting it at the State Capital like they usually do.  Previously they announced that Val Kilmer is coming back, Mike Colter from Marvel/Netflix’s Luke Cage, and Irene Bedard who may be best known as the voice of Disney’s Pocahontas, to name a few.  And a couple new names I’m excited to see on FanX banners, Warwick Davis of multiple Star Wars films and others.  And my new crush, Aimee Garcia, the funny and cute medical examiner from Lucifer.

      I’ve been getting into Pokémon Go again over the last couple weeks.  Should I periscope whilst on safari?  There are a couple poke stops nearish to my apartment I could swing by relatively quick.  And there’s a gym I took yesterday and some of us are holding for the Red team.  It’s been fun!  On one of my accounts I have a snowy Vulpix.

     We played the new set for Magic the Gathering Sunday night.  It was a good game.  We had a lot of fun and reviewed Ravnica Allegiance.  We wound up not streaming it to periscope like I had planned.  If anyone knows how to use Switcher Studio and periscope feel free to explain to me how I fucked it up, that’d be helpful.  We saw some sweet cards from just a handful of packs and I managed to pull off a pretty sweet play late game.  I do have some video so I may be able to put out some extra content this week.  I’m working on all that right now.  More to come. 

Tim FloodComment

     Tonight at 7:00pMST we’re going to play some Magic the Gathering and review the upcoming set, Ravnica Allegiance.  I have some friends coming over and we’ll booster draft.  I’m thinking that we’ll broadcast it on periscope live and then post the video onto twitch later. 

     Be sure to watch the #ComedyShedRadio for all of our live content and then Redstone Diaries for the ongoing tales and antics of our podcast team.  Come on.  Just do it.  It’ll be fun. 

Tim FloodComment
Another Not Great Week

      Not terrible, I just had some hefty migraines for a few days.  Good things are coming, though.  We’ve been doing some fun things in the studio.

     This week’s episode is the last part of our crossover series with Branden Fisher of Sac’em Up Sundays, which I’ll most likely put up on Friday instead of Thursday.  I’m behind on things because of the migraines.  And then we have more of our journey through the World of Darkness.  Starting next week we’ll start moving that story in more forward style direction.  

     I interviewed John Horsey the other day but you’ll have to wait until February to see why that’s cool.  This Sunday, though, booster draft and review for Ravnica Allegiance.  My plan right now is to release our review portion in the podcast, video of the games available through another platform(possibly Patreon), and if you have a few hours free this Sunday you can watch us on twitch.

Fantasy Football Update Week Fifteen

     The season’s contest draws closer to its end.  The Red Dragons continued to fall short of victory for many weeks now.  Spirits low, The Dragons gravenly march on to the next encounter.  Approaching the edge of the tree line, The Dragons look out across the battlefield to see familiar faces... in a sense.

     The shapeshifters melt into the distant wood and fade from sight.  The Red Dragons move carefully and first.  Thrashing about blindly through the far wood, The Dragons manage to land a precious few hits against the enemy.  Drawing into a small advantage early in the battle The Dragons find themselves flummoxed to see the tide of war shift.  Gradually the shapeshifters pace forward out of their hiding places, strategically picking targets and one by one, eliminating The Red Dragons.

     Kolby’s Name Changers avenged their previous loss to The Level 20 Red Dragons, beating them 151-127.07.

     I noticed the other night that I missed posting one week.  I’m putting my whole season together and I’ll do something fun with it and when I do that’ll be the only place to find my recaps of ‘every’ week for my 2018 fantasy season.  Keep an eye out.

Tim FloodComment
Well, I Failed Again

      I meant to write last night but fell asleep amidst a considerable migraine.  But I’m here now and doing it.  Take that how you will.

     Starting last night there’s a new comedy open mic at the Watchtower café in SLC.  Hosted by my friends Jason Harvey and Natashia Mower, five minute set time, and one of my most favorite places.  I’m legitimately happy to have an open mic there again.

     This was my first open mic in about seven months and I missed it so much.  I totally ate shit but it was still a lot of fun and I learned that my new favorite person is Angry Colby Larson.  He had a fantastic set last night railing on doctors and nurses and the whole crowd was rolling!  It was a good night and a fun start to my getting off my ass and getting back out to mics and just spending time with my friends again.

     I’m excited to do comedy again and maybe this time around I’ll be funny.  Only time will tell.

Tim FloodComment
Here It Is

      I missed posting yesterday but I’m getting it done today.  Not much to write about.  Another great life choice by Tim!  The second season of The Orville started.  I just caught up and I’m digging it.

     So far in the first two episodes they haven’t done anything wacky.  They’re portraying complex interpersonal relationships in various stages of romantic relationships failing.  Of course reminders of my own loneliness are always entertaining. 

     The second episode shows one of the main characters engaging in various degrees of sex and/or love addiction but then is quick to understand the impetus for these actions and discusses his feelings with his spouse.  A great example of the therapy process and personal growth.

     The first episode’s story focused on Capt. Mercer’s inability to move past his feelings for Cmdr. Grayson while she’s dating someone else.  Another emotional kick in the nuts to which I relate far too well.  A repeating occurrence lately is my finding intelligent, strong, independent women who inspire me to be better than I am.  And yet they are not available for me to be with them.

     In summation, I’m a far greater mess than you thought.  In fairness, I don’t know exactly how great a mess you thought I was but I assure you this is just the tip of many...many icebergs. 

Tim FloodComment