I was thinking about writing here daily and you may have noticed that I have not. I will start now. I’m going to work out a way to write here everyday. I’ve been seeing some really interesting science articles throughout twitter lately. I will most likely get a mite preachy, and that may be somewhat because I’ve been watching a lot of The West Wing lately, but that’s just how I tend to feel about some things. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
I just need to put the finishing touches on tomorrow’s episode and then I’ll start posting the early download links. I’m reading a lot more downloads. Thanks for that! I’ve been working on other things for you guys to listen to and watch and on the 20th we’ll be drafting the new set for Magic the Gathering, Ravnica Allegiance, and then we’ll be reviewing it on Twitch, maybe afterward I’ll put it on YouTube or something. Ultimately the videos of most of our things will be available through our Patreon page which is now up and running at patreon.com/comedyshedradio. Check it out.
Fantasy Update Week Fourteen
The Red Dragons struggle to regain footing from battle to battle. Many of our warriors fall in conflict. Seeking replacements takes time not so abundant. Each new combatant less experienced and capable than our fallen comrades. The situation grows more and more bleak.
The Dragons face off against the Bears of Poor Tidings once more. Bolstered by their thirst for revenge, the Bears lunge with a ferocity not witnessed since season’s beginning. Their blows proving too powerful for the defenses possessed by The Dragons. Calling forth the ocean’s raptors defenders, The Dragons mount a defense unltimately ineffective. Being their strongest asset The Dragons lack the might to press a formidable attack and fall short of victory once more.
The Level 20 Red Dragons lost to Ang’s Bad News Bears, 176.8-116.47.