I’ve Done it Again

     I was thinking about writing here daily and you may have noticed that I have not.  I will start now.  I’m going to work out a way to write here everyday.  I’ve been seeing some really interesting science articles throughout twitter lately.  I will most likely get a mite preachy, and that may be somewhat because I’ve been watching a lot of The West Wing lately, but that’s just how I tend to feel about some things.  We’ll just have to wait and see what happens. 

     I just need to put the finishing touches on tomorrow’s episode and then I’ll start posting the early download links.  I’m reading a lot more downloads.  Thanks for that!  I’ve been working on other things for you guys to listen to and watch and on the 20th we’ll be drafting the new set for Magic the Gathering, Ravnica Allegiance, and then we’ll be reviewing it on Twitch, maybe afterward I’ll put it on YouTube or something.  Ultimately the videos of most of our things will be available through our Patreon page which is now up and running at patreon.com/comedyshedradio.   Check it out. 

 Fantasy Update Week Fourteen

      The Red Dragons struggle to regain footing from battle to battle.  Many of our warriors fall in conflict.  Seeking replacements takes time not so abundant.  Each new combatant less experienced and capable than our fallen comrades.  The situation grows more and more bleak.

     The Dragons face off against the Bears of Poor Tidings once more.  Bolstered by their thirst for revenge, the Bears lunge with a ferocity not witnessed since season’s beginning.  Their blows proving too powerful for the defenses possessed by The Dragons.  Calling forth the ocean’s raptors defenders, The Dragons mount a defense unltimately ineffective.  Being their strongest asset The Dragons lack the might to press a formidable attack and fall short of victory once more.

     The Level 20 Red Dragons lost to Ang’s Bad News Bears, 176.8-116.47.

     This fantasy season has not been going the way I had hoped but it is what it is.  This is just about done on here, the actual season is done but I’m still doing this until I’ve used all the material.  And I’m thinking about illustrating a rendition of each update setting the update over it.  Kind of in the style of Japanese wall hangings.  I’ll start on that later. 

Tim FloodComment
Some New Fun Times

     So, we still don’t have any game episodes for this week or next week.  Instead I had the opportunity to chat with Branden Fisher of the podcast Sac’em Up Sundays.  We talked for a couple hours and it was fun.  The first episode of which will be available tomorrow.  Possibly later tomorrow.  I was lazy again today and finished nothing I planned this weekend. 

     Wizards of the Coast is about to release their next card set for Magic the Gathering later this month.  January 25th is the release date and prerelease events will be happening January 19-20th.  I’m going to start organizing our booster draft and review so keep an eye out and start watching our twitch channel https://m.twitch.tv/comedyshedradio/profile.  Feel free to sponsor or subscribe or whatever.  I’m working out the patreon stuff still.  Just sit tight and I’ll have all sorts of ways for you guys to give me your money.  Trust me, it’ll be more fun for you all once you start paying me for it.

     Until then here’s the next fantasy update.  I’m catching up and soon the fantasy football season will be over.  Here’s Week Thirteen. 

Week Thirteen Fantasy Update

     The Dragons have met with misfortune over the recent weeks.  They meet once again the army of the Celestial Specter.  This, the second conflict betwixt these forces, is not anticipated to end well.  When previous they met, the Celestial Specter defeated The Red Dragons.

     The Dragons lay in wait, watching their prey...the moment comes and they strike.  The Specter’s forces are prepared.  They lash back with the speed and sting of a viper.  Cutting the legs out of from under The Dragons the Specter’s army hobbled our heroes whilst trotting upon them at full gallop.  The Dragons might and furry wanes in equal measure and swiftly.  Our bodies fall leaving no one else to reclaim them on the third day’s end.

     Space Ghost beat the Level 20 Red Dragons 217.80-108.73.

     Well, I have some editing to get done and food to cook.  Also, I’m putting together my poker night.  Watch out on periscope this Saturday night.  If there’s enough we to play cards, however many you there may be can watch some amateur poker.  Until next time. 


Tim FloodComment
New Episode

      HEY!  It’s a lot easier now for me to manage the website so now, when the caption under the cover art says “Listen to the new episode” you can click on that link and listen to the new episode and then, ya know, listen to the new episode and not the last episode managed to attach to the link.  I’m getting better at this so feel free to enjoy fruits of my adequacy.

     I’m still working to catch up on my writing and there’s going to be a surprise on the episode this week.  As a result of some non-surprises this week.  The plan is to start up game sessions again this week but you guys know how well plans work out here.   

     I don’t do ‘New Years’ resolutions’ but I am using the start of the new calendar as a bench mark to get off my ass and get things done.  I’m going to start going to open mics again, and start writing regularly to catch up on all this, and in particular to be better with managing and expanding the content offered through Comedy Shed Radio.  And if you have any thoughts or ideas for content you want to see on here, click the ‘MENU’ tab at the top of the screen and then tap the button that says ‘CONTACT’ or ‘CONTACT US’ or whatever I have it say.  Go ahead, it’ll be fun. 

Tim FloodComment
A Special Episode

      We don’t have a game episode this week so, I’m going to review an odd comic that came into my possession recently.  I’ve been nervous to read it but after doing some research into one of the creators of it and it’s possible the comic isn’t as bad as my reaction jerked knee.  We’ll see.  

     I have yet to catch up on my fantasy updates.  I’ve been overly distracted by television.  I’ll talk about that in the episode.  I have to get done some reading and then record tonight, and then I’ll start catching up on everything else.  I did manage to wash some dishes, though.  So, ya know, there’s that.   

Fantasy Update Week Twelve

      The Red Dragons’ confidence has waned considerably over the last two weeks.  Suffering repeated losses demoralized The Dragons in such a way, many of them felt their end biting at their heels.  Nonetheless, moving forward, The Dragons bolster their ranks and march toward the next conflict.

     The Dragons lost more than half the battlefield to the forces of ImportantOne.  The Dragons touched down many times albeit not so often as their enemies.  The ImportantOne and his forces fought back against The Dragons with an unmatched ferocity.  The Dragons plotted an ambush.  Attempting to lull the enemy into a false sense of security and then lunge.  Unfortunately the enemy’s sense of security was somewhat more than false. 

     The Level 20 Red Dragons lost to THEIMPORTANTONE 184.30-118.80.

     Well, there’s that.  I have a lot more to get done before I go to bed.  Stay tuned for the next episode.  Later. 

Tim FloodComment
Trump is Still Really Great*

     I meant to do this last week and then got distracted.  Obviously he isn’t nor ever was.  I’m just waiting for him to see the headline and not read about he’s a whiny, insolent cunt.  Former President Obama received death threats and actual nooses presented to him on tours across the United States, and took it in stride with the grace and nobility one would expect from a dignitary and President of the United States.  But now, someone says trump is a dummy, he cries treason and bitches on Twitter as though it means something.  

     Anyway, I had a thing on Facebook and I’m still stewing about it.  These worthless assholes refuse accept that the LDS church is out of line and offending their rights as well as the sick and infirmed being hurt by the resistance to Proposition 2 in Utah, which passed and then was immediately undermined by the church and other special interest groups aligned with the church.   Just accept your loss, take your sacrament, and move on.  There’s no need for religious hypocrisy and disregard for The People in politics.  There’s already more than enough inherent in politics as it is.

     I apologize.  I’m just so sick of the illiterati running everything into the ground and thinking it’s OK because their mommy said they’re special.  So, here’s my fantasy football thing now:

Fantasy Update Week Eleven

     Still reeling from the prior defeat The Dragons tread lightly.  Going forward into their next conflict, The Dragons pace themselves in the coming struggle.

     The man of Goff fought valiantly.  A beacon of might to his soldiers.  Ultimately The Dragons managed to stave them off.  Holding a commanding lead through the latter half of the contest.  Runners among The Dragons wove throughout and about their enemies.  To watch this scene as the birds do one may wonder after the abcence of the enemy defense. 

     You Got Bungled lost to the The Level 20 Red Dragons 169.03-130.73.

     Now, for those of you keeping score at home, next week will be the second anniversary for Redstone Diaries.  We wound up not recording last week so, as of this moment we don’t have an episode for the anniversary.  I’ll decide what to do with that on my next weekend.  In the meantime feel free to check out the rest of the website and send us text messages or voicemails using the Comedy Shed Radio Hotline. 

Tim FloodComment