On The Road Again…So To Speak

Well, Here I am flying across the country now.  All by myself just like a big boy!  I did it.  I’m heading to Indianapolis for the comic convention.  As you may know from listening to our podcast, Redstone Diaries, I go to Salt Lake FanX every year since the beginning.  If you’re not familiar with our podcast, you got the name, GO LISTEN NOW!!!  ALL OF IT!!!  I could use the downloads.  And who knows, maybe I’ll start making it out to the other conventions more regularly.  I believe this Indiana Comic Convention is organized by Dan Farr Productions.  The company that organizes the Salt Lake FanX.  I don’t have confirmation of this but I’ll let you know if I see Dan Farr running around.  I can say for sure that when you scroll to the bottom of the web page saltlakecomicconvention.com you’ll see the buttons that link to Atlanta Comic Convention, Indiana Comic Convention, and Tampa Bay Comic Convention.  I’m less interested in anything happening in Florida, for obvious reasons, but Atlanta might be a fun show too.  We’ll see how things shake out for me over the next few months.  More on that in a minute.  I’m excited to experience a somewhat different convention.  I imagine it’ll be configured similarly to FanX but I’ll be in a different state.  A different state, mind you, I never thought I would visit.  It’s nothing personal, I just thought the middle had nothing to offer.  And being stuck in Utah for so many years, well, there just wasn’t much evidence to the contrary.  Of course I say this all in good fun.  Except for the things about Utah, Utah knows what it did.  Who knows, maybe I won’t hate Indiana.  I’ll let you know in a few days.  I’m not sure yet if I’ll be doing my daily recaps.  I may just discuss the con in summation.  I was going to going to prepping some episodes to post but then I realized that I was planning to leave home one of the devices that I recorded our material.  Turns out that trying to do this shit is far less convenient when you’re not walking down the street to get to the convention.  This’ll be fun in any case.  I figured out something I’m going to get signed by Katee Sackhoff.  I’ll post photos when I get back to SLC but it will ultimately be framed.  Just not for a little while.

     The case with that being that I will indeed be moving back to LA by the end of this month.  When I get back after the con on Monday I’ll have two weeks to finish packing and get things going.  It looks like I’ve got an apartment, I’ll be taking care of the paper work for that this weekend and I have another job interview scheduled for this afternoon.  Provided I can figure out the time difference and not blow it first thing.  I’m not used to being this far east let alone inland.  It’s all somewhat disorienting.  But more than that, I’ve been awake for more or less thirty hours and it would seem that I’m somewhat less apt to sleep when at thirty-thousand feet.

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