How My Week Started

Just a couple more days now.  I’ll have some things completed and be closer to getting the money I’ve been waiting on.  Then I can get the last few things I need to finish packing.  So far, I have three full pages toward my first hour.  I am a little concerned about that.  Three pages is a concise summation of a good portion of my material so, I may need to somewhat less concise to that point.  On the bright side, I just got home from an open mic and played a fairly particular bit about artie.  I ate shit but true to form, the moment I sat down, I realized that I missed a line that could’ve improved my early momentum in the first minute.  I’ll tighten up the language later.  I know it’s a good bit I just need to better position it with other material.  I’ll be sitting down and tracking back through my material tomorrow.

     Today was a stupid and very bad day for a very specific reason.  I try very hard to avoid politics on here but especially now, it really can’t be avoided.  Suffice to say that I don’t support rapists nor white supremacists.  I don’t support racists in general and as a rule.  That’s all for that.

     Back to more fun things.  I’ve really missed going out to open mics.  It’s a special kind of fun to eat shit when you think you’re funny.  And it’s equally a special kind of triumph when you eat shit playing a bit you know is funny and then later redeem it with getting the laughs you know it deserves.  My first time on stage, at my very first open mic, I played a bit I knew was funny.  The first or second bit I wrote.  The room that night was rough.  Twelve people in the room, ten of them on the list, the two most seasoned performers got the only laughs, and I followed one of them.  I ate my dick in that three minutes and then went to the next mic, and then the one after that, and keep going out to mics three or four nights a week for about two, two and a half years.  Then there was an open mic with a packed house.  A dozen or so comics, another two dozen audience members, it was a green house so the acoustics were fantastic.  I forget why I thought this but I decided driving to that venue that I was I going to play that first bit.  I got up for my set.  I called out the bit up front.  I said that it was my first bit on a stage, that it flopped that first time and that it was time to play it again and see if it really sucked.  I did the bit, as scripted, pitched perfectly…  And yes, I destroyed the room that time.  Landing that bit that time was far and away much better than most of the sex I’ve gotten.  I’ve survived my own attempts to kill myself and you may know some of my experience with my “mother”.  Redeeming that bit in that moment, top ten happiest moments of my life.

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