On Our Way Back to Normal…ish

HEY!  OK, I know I’be said this before…a few times.  But we’re comin’ back!  We have episodes, we’re recording more, and we’ve got new shows down the pike.  More than that, we’re going to start doing more video content.  Live streams, previously recorded video, maybe even some animated stuff if I can figure out the apps I downloaded.  I’m getting there.  I’m starting to figure out the 3D stuff so we can start printing figures for our characters.  When I do that we’ll even have some merch to sell.  We have some fun things on the horizon is pretty much what I’m saying.

  We’ll be kicking off things with Ben and Tim walking through the character creation process of Top Secret: S/I.  A game we’ll be playing more so as bonus content.  Yeah, I know that logically for content to be bonus there has to be baseline content for bonus content to be bonus.  I told you, we’re working on it, get off my ass.  We’ll also have a new player joining in our reindeer games.  It’ll be a lot more fun for everyone!  

  We also have FanX coming up soon!  September 16-18 this year.  I’ll record a special extra episode that I’ll release with our next episode and I’ll go over the guest list that has been announced thus far and see if I can contain my excitement.  There was an announcement this last weekend that got me SUPER stoked!  In short, a lot of the guests that were announced for last year are making down here this year.  I can’t wait!  I’ve missed the convention more than some dead relatives.  Turns out, this has been a really long year.

  Back to business.  I need some feedback from you folks.  We have a Patreon page and I’m deciding what kind of content to put on there.  First, I’m figuring out how to use it but then I need to know what content to put on there.  Obviously, we’ll have bonus episodes.  Playing games like Top Secret: S/I, Redstone Heroes, and from time to time, other games.  I have more players available now to draft and review new sets for Magic the Gathering as they release.  We’ll be making videos of those games, ideally live streaming them.  Another thing available to Patrons will be printable character sheets of NPCs I make for our games as well as ultimately figures to accompany those sheets.  Again, when I figure out the whole 3D printing thing.  What I need to know is what do you folks want?  Is there something you wish other podcasts would do?  Something else you wish we’d do?  Let me know and I’ll see what we can work out.

  In the meantime, keep listening.  Get ready to watch.  And have fun, we will again soon.

Tim FloodComment
Savage #2 Review

Tomorrow, the morning of March seventeenth, Valiant Entertainment is releasing issue 2 of Savage!  Kevin Sauvage is new to London.  Having lived his whole life on a remote island inhabited by dinosaurs, he’s getting used to city life.  Unfortunately for London some of these great beasts followed him over.  Number two picks up with a more formal introduction with a group among their other activities seems to catch unusual creatures, ya know, like dinosaurs and unkempt, wild children.  

The art throughout the first few pages stays light and a little more cartoony in style to balance the somewhat dark humor in the writing.  However, when the tone turns more ominous, the style changes to compliment very well.  The only thing that felt unnecessary by way of writing is an overtly forced moment of dialogue that was a bit of a stretch making it chauvinistic just to shout it down.  Save for that, the writing is intelligent and fun.

All said, I’m enjoying this.  I’m liking the little things like balloons strewn through the jaws of a T-Rex, the self deprecating humor of the Professor, and I’m intrigued to see Kevin’s table habits.  I’m looking forward to seeing where this story goes.  If you need a scale, though, 3/5, I guess.  I don’t normally rate things on scales like that.  So, there.

Tim FloodComment
Here We Are Again

I know, I’ve been eating it pretty hard for the last year or whatever.  We’re getting back to actually putting out the podcasts that we record.  We’re going to post an extra long or, perhaps a BONUS-long episode of Redstone Diaries this week.  Also, I’m going to make BONUS-long a thing, you’ll see.  We have some more Saint Anger, The Jew, and Meat Sweats heading your way too.  More than that, we’re moving forward with new projects.  Magic the Gathering, Redstone Heroes, and many other tabletop games that you’ll get to enjoy watching us play.  And later this week I’ll finally publish our video recap of SaltCon from this last March.

We’re starting up some other role playing games that will be available through Patreon… just as soon as I figure out how to do that.  You may remember some episodes back we played some Redstone Heroes.  We have some more episodes with new players and I have a few ideas of what to do with that game going forward.  Also, I’m making character sheets for characters I’ve been creating for years and many of whom will soon appear in our games.  Those sheets will be available for download through Patreon as well as the opportunity for me to make characters based you, your friends, family, enemies, or whatever.  C’mon, it’ll be fun.

Tim FloodComment
Tim Still Sucks

Well, like the title says, Tim is not doing a very good job. That said, it turns out I’m not firing me. I guess sleeping with the boss does offer certain perks. Some good news, though. I reconfigured the studio so it’s a little more accommodating to producing video. That’s something we’ve been wanting to do here for awhile. Soon we’ll be able produce videos of our card, board, and tabletop games as well as live stream such events. We’re also going to start streaming our recording sessions for Saint Anger, The Jew, and Meat Sweats, and possibly start some new shows.

Now for some not-so-great news. I haven’t uploaded new episodes yet and I’m thinking we’ll just call all this part of a summer break. This coming weekend is busy for me because of work and I’m starting into a new D&D game so, my whole schedule this weekend is mucked. Which also means that I won’t be watching Saturday morning cartoons this weekend. So, we’re just going to call July a wash and hit the ground running in August. As soon as I get together a production team here, we’ll work out an actual schedule for our shows, live streaming, previously recorded, and everything else.

Thanks for sticking with us through all this shit and then the world ending too. Feel free to check out our patreon page. I’ll get back to figuring out how to use that and we’ll start making some content for it. In the mean time, just throw a dollar at us and we’ll give you a shout out on the shows, I’ll make some game characters out of you that we’ll use in our podcasts, and you’ll have my undying gratitude. whatever that’s worth. Thanks again and have fun!

Tim FloodComment
Getting Our Shit Together

The last couple months have been rough, in that I was just as lazy and tired as I would’ve been if the world weren’t ending. I’m getting things going again. Last week I put out our next episodes for each Redstone Diaries and Saint Anger, The Jew, and Meat Sweats. I’m getting out the upcoming episodes for each a little bit later today. My new plan is to release new episodes for both of those shows on Sundays now.
Be sure to follow us on twitter too, @shed_comedy. We’re going to start doing more live streaming of our recording sessions and later on, more original video content. We have some ideas and I’m working out the technology to get it done more efficiently. It’s just a matter of time now for me to get the funds to accomplish this. If you have any ideas of content you want to see here just e-mail us at timflood@comedyshedradio.com and we’ll see what we can do.

Normally I would write more but I have to attend to and I need to get those new episodes posted for you. I’ll leave it here and check in on you all later.

Tim FloodComment