New episode of Redstone Diaries coming soon! I need to start getting busy with holiday stuff now so, I’m thinking after thanksgiving we’ll kick off our soon to be regular programming on We’re planning an ongoing series of Magic the Gathering, Kaleb mentioned something about Doom, I would very much like to play some Battlestar Galactica. But we’ll see.
Here’s the next installment of my fantasy football update:
Week Eight
The Dragons, while disheartened by weeks of defeat, pushed on strong into their next battle. The contest looked even so said the oracles.
The forces of Wentz struck first. A mighty blow against the Dragons, to their dismay would not hold. The Dragons step cautiously onto this field. Learning from their wounds of the past the Dragons strike back. Exploiting their foe’s disadvantage the Dragons pounce!
Starting down two players Wentz Upon a Time lost to The Level 20 Red Dragons, 145.67-111.2.
My season is coming back up. I made it back into the top half, Week Nine may have been good to me, and Week Ten looks good in projections.
If you guys have any games you want us to play and review before you start spending money feel free to let us know. Just head to the contact page and drop us a line. Until next time.
Here we are once more. I like to think the best part of our playing World of Darknessis that every week you get a little Halloween in your ears. The coming weeks are going to be increasingly spooky. We’re getting into the fun stuff.
My fantasy season is going pretty well. Not ideal but well. I had a couple of rough losses but you may be reading some good news in that regard next week. Until then;
Fantasy Update Week Seven
Still reeling from their recent loss the Dragons took flight, Swift and powerful, they tore through the enemy as though their claws thirsted for blood. By end of the first day, the Dragons were poised for victory. The oracles anticipated so much. The tides of battle are too fickle a force it seems.
With the start of the second day the opposition rallied. Striking back with a ferocity equaled only by the Dragons themselves. The battle was evenly weighed. Neither side giving and inch but both sides taking a foot. Days passed as warriors fell. The end of the third day draws nigh. The dust refuses to settle. It’s unclear who won this contest.
The Level 20 Red Dragons lost to Roger’s Team 194.07-193.97 in the closest match up so far this season.
I don’t think I have any news stuff I wanted to talk about in the intro for this week’s episode so, it’ll probably be pretty short. I’m cutting it together now. Keep an eye out for the early release link.
Sorry about missing the episode post last week. There were problems with editing and uploading and there's a certain perspective from which that it's my fault for not adequately maintaining data storage among my devices. Let's not focus on that now. I'm tidying up and recording a new intro for tomorrow's episode. I actually made notes on some news stuff that happened recently. The intro may be interesting finally.
The FanX Loyalty Launch went live today. Go to to buy your FanX tickets while they're discounted. I'm getting mine soon. The next show is April 19-20. Hope to see you there. There's some stuff going on with the Marvel/Netflix shows. Anyway, here comes the new episode. Watch Twitter for the early release link and in the meantime, enjoy the Fantasy Update for Week Six.
Fantasy Update Week Six
The Dragons fell prey to thier own hubris. After they burned the mighty Bears, the Dragons loosed thier defenses. The Bengals defending our forces fell short of thier charge while the enemy’s defenses held true against our most powerful strikes.
The Rodgers fought valiantly, leading our forces across an uncertain battlefield. Relenting not until the final fight ended. The Monks of Reasons moved with unearthly speed as they attacked the Red Dragons. They commenced thier attack early on and fought with great fervor to hold thier advantage over the Dragons. For days the Monks fought and overpowered the Dragons. Not for a moment lessening thier attack.
The Level 20 Red Dragons lost to the 12 Reasons Why, 177.73-210.97.
One more thing. Submit your own original short, possibly micro, story to fill ten to fifteen minutes of airtime and it'll be apart of our bonus content that will soon be available to our Patreon supporters. Stories need to be first person accounts of the uuuuuneeeeeexplained, 10-15 minutes airtime, e-mail them to us through the website and one of us will perform it for you, or read them yourself and leave the recording on the Comedy Shed Radio Hotline 801-900-3154, and we'll include them as part of "The Old Woman's Book" which has become an integral part of our current adventure. Myself and a number of my friends are working on our own tales and will be available in November. Later.
A slight technical difficulty. This week’s episode will be out later today. There are some news things I need to check on before I finalize the episode and I need to hand off the audio for Hollie Jay’s podcast. They recorded their upcoming episode in the Quiet Treats Studio and they’ll be putting it out soon. Also, I forgot to get the name of their podcast and where to find it. I’ll let you guys know about all that next time.
More importantly, though, season three of Daredevil drops at midnight tonight on Netflix! I can’t wait! There are few things about Iron Fist to discuss but by way of good news, I’ve read that Luke Cage was green lit for season three, and The Punisher season two, I think, is the next Marvel/Netflix series to drop after Daredevil season three.
Since you’ve been clamoring for it, here's the fantasy update for week five of the fantasy football season:
The Bears of Ill Tidings had been pillaging the countryside unchallenged for many weeks. Roaming from village to village leaving behind nothing more than stories and corpses. The Dragons find themselves reinvigorated after their previous defeat. Having shed the failing wizard, The Dragons took flight and struck fiercely.
The week’s battle started with the opposing forces evenly matched. The first day ended before either side had claimed an upper hand. Throughout the second day Bears fell one by one. The Dragons chose to not to relent. Rending the flesh and sinew from their falling prey, The Dragons tore through Bears as though they were merely playthings filled with soft stuffing and had no more claw or tooth than they possessed the true will to win. As the sun rose for the third day there were no more bears for The Dragons to devour. The last Dragon picked across the battlefield nonetheless.
The Level 20 Red Dragons bested Ang’s Bad News Bears, 181.57-148.20.