Here’s the plan. While at FanX we streamed some interviews with random convention goers on the event floor of the Salt Palace, hosted by the one and only Dustin Hagen. I realized too late the audio crapped out in the first video on periscope but it got resolved for the second stream. Coming up soon, September 30th, is International Podcast Day. Hooray! I decided that I’m going to do the same thing I did last year and release a special episode from FanX. Ideally it’ll be a video episode of our celebrity interviews. I still need to work out the technical problems with that. Otherwise, it’ll just be an audio episode and then I’ll post the video on here someplace.
Now, while I am a masochistic asshole...most of the time, I have my moments. I figured I wouldn’t tell you guys about all this without giving you a little treat to tide yourself until the end of the month. Here’s Dustin with our new friend, Randall the Candle, enjoy....