Or however you say it. I meant to do this earlier but got distracted by television. There is a new episode coming out today (the fifth), I’m cutting it together now and will ideally get it out before I go to work. We’ll see. If I don’t get it out before work it will be out Friday with the addition of the comments on Ant-man and the Wasp because I’ll be watching it tonight right after work thanks to FanX SaltLake Comic Convention. They’re hosting a private screening as they tend to for these geek movies so, I’ll be seeing it then. I’m also working on a special Magic the Gathering episode. The new core set M19 is being released the weekend of the thirteenth and we will most likely have a review of the new set coming out that Thursday. See ya then!
We started our new game with the episode this week. We’re playing World of Darkness for a little while. I’m trying something with my character in this one. Let’s see if it works out for me.
Hey hey! I meant to do this yesterday and then got distracted. I’m on vacation, get off my ass. I’m back home in L.A. this week and it’s very much what I’ve been needing for a long time. I’m getting ready to record this week’s episode, or to take a nap and then record when I regain consciousness. In either case I hope my laptop has enough power left to at convert the recording because my stupid ass forgot the power cable to charge my laptop. I’ll figure out something. In the meantime, enjoy being not in L.A. while enjoy being not not in L.A.
Well, for the first time ever I get to take an actual vacation. I’m off for two weeks s, this morning I’m getting on a plane and heading down to the Dallas area of Texas. My first time to that state and maybe I’ll finally get some listeners down there. I’ll be visiting my sister and niece for a few days and ideally doing some comedy-ish things too. Then I’ll be spending about a week back home in L.A. Visiting with friends and family, walking familiar streets I don’t so well remember now, and getting real Mexican food again. There are some places in Utah that are pretty good but nothing beats seeing that letter “C” in the window. And ideally doing some comedy-ish things too. See you, space cowboy.
It’s Memorial Day in the US. So, I’ve been lounging about and doing nothing all day. Then I realized that I hadn’t posted here in awhile. A quick update, this week’s episode of Redstone Diaries will most likely be just me again. The plan is to record some episodes this Friday night, we’ll be playing a different game for the time being. For those unfamiliar with the storytelling game World of Darkness, it’s a supernatural, horror-y game. Werewolves, vampires, and ghosts, oh my! Our characters will be human but there’s no telling what the future holds. Join us this June as we embark on a new bone-chilling storytelling adventure.